POOL OPEN PWLL AR AGOR Enquiries/ymholiadau:
01545 570871
Summer Holiday timetable Gwyliau’r Haf 20/7 – 1/9/2024

Key things you need to know:


  • You can buy  tickets in advance via this website or by telephoning the pool
  • Tickets are not printed out
  • Tickets are not refundable if you choose not to attend
  • When you arrive give reception your family name and telephone number and they will be matched to your booking
  • Or just turn up and pay cash or card


  • Changing rooms and showers are available
  • Lockers are available – £1 coin returnable

No spectators

  • We cannot accomodate spectators in the pool hall for any sessions or lessons


  • Hand sanitiser and cleaning wipes are available for customers to use
  • We want everyone to enjoy a clean healthy environment.
  • Stay away if you are unwell, come another day instead

Do you value your local swimming pool? Do you want to help?

As a registered charity since 1976, the pool has greatly benefitted from funds raised by the local community.

Can you help too?

Ydych chi’n caru eich pwll nofio lleol? Ydych chi eisiau helpu?

Fel elusen gofrestredig er 1976, mae’r pwll wedi elwa’n fawr o’r arian a godwyd gan y gymuned leol.

Allwch chi helpu hefyd?